Retro Sweets we remember

Remember the days when you could buy a bag of sweets for just a penny? The days when you would rush to the corner shop with your pocket money to buy your favorite retro sweets? Those were the days!

What are Retro Sweets?

Retro sweets are the classic sweets that were popular in the UK during the 70s, 80s, and 90s. They were the sweets that we grew up with and have fond memories of. From the classic Love Hearts to the iconic Black Jacks, retro sweets have a special place in our hearts.

The Classics

Who can forget the classic sweets that we used to enjoy as kids? The ones that we used to share with our friends and family. The ones that we used to save up our pocket money for. Here are just a few of the classics:

  • Flying Saucers
  • Refreshers
  • Fruit Salads
  • Black Jacks
retro sweets

Flying Saucers

Flying Saucers were one of the most popular retro sweets. They were made of rice paper filled with sherbet and were shaped like a UFO. They were a favorite among kids and adults alike.


Refreshers were another classic retro sweet. They were chewy sweets with a fizzy sherbet center. They came in a variety of flavors, including lemon, lime, and strawberry.

Fruit Salads

Fruit Salads were a popular retro sweet that were shaped like a pineapple. They were chewy and had a fruity flavor. They were a favorite among kids and adults alike.

Black Jacks

Black Jacks were a classic retro sweet that had a unique aniseed flavor. They were chewy and had a black color. They were a favorite among kids and adults alike.

retro sweets

The Memories

Retro sweets bring back so many memories of our childhood. They remind us of the simpler times when we used to spend our days playing outside with our friends. They remind us of the joy of opening a bag of sweets and sharing them with our friends and family.

The Revival

Although retro sweets may have fallen out of fashion for a while, they have recently made a comeback. They are now more popular than ever, with many people looking to relive their childhood memories.

So why not treat yourself to a bag of your favorite retro sweets today? You won't regret it!